23rd ARCO 2016/2 at DIKU

The ARCO Workshop on November 25th, 2016 will be held at the August Krogh Building, Auditorium 2, Universitetsparken 13, 2100 Copenhagen Ø (the same location as the last ARCO Workshop at DIKU).

Finding the way:

There is an ongoing construction at Northern Campus and car parking can be challenging. Buses 150S, 184 and 185 from Nørreport Station to Universitetsparken (Nørre Alle) will get you to the campus in 10-15 minutes. 5 minutes walk across the campus will then get you to August Krogh Building.
See also: Google Map


9:30–9:59 Registration - morning coffee
10:00–10:30 Mathias Bæk Tejs Knudsen/DIKU:
Finding Even Cycles Via Capped k-Walks
10:30–11:00 Anders Roy Christiansen/DTU:
Parallel Lookups in String Indexes
11:00–11:15 Fruit break
11:15–11:45 Søren Dahlgaard/DIKU:
Near-Optimal Light Spanners in Near-Linear Time
11:45–12:15 Valentin Polishchuk/LIU:
On Minimizing Crossings in Storyline Visualizations
12:15–13:45 Lunch and Business Meeting
13:45–14:15 Tilde My Christiansen/SDU:
Degree Constrained 2-Partitions of Tournaments
14:15–14:45 Nikolai Nøjgaard/SDU:
DNA Origami and Enumerating Non-Equivalent eEmbeddings
14:45–15:15 Open problems, Coffee and cake